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We are a group of people who come together at various locations throughout Western New York. Our goal is to show support for ALL the people that have given up so much for what the US Flag and the United States has come to represent. We seek to inspire love of our country and the freedoms we hold dear.

In other words, we stand for LIBERTY, FREEDOM, AND JUSTICE FOR ALL AMERICANS no matter Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, or Political Ideology.

We invite anyone who would like to help INSPIRE others to join us in our rallies, and parades by reaching out via the following:

text: 716-339-0816


Flag Rally

26 November, 2022


Flag Rally

30 November, 2022

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Flag Rally

03 December, 2022

9:45 am – 12:00 pm

Flag Rally

?? December, 2022


Sample Rallies/Parades…

From the very young to our elders, we like to gather, decorate, share, rally, parade, tailgate and have FUN being Patriotic…all year long!

Peter Wentz Farm in winter, Worcester, Pennsylvania, USA

Seems Winter is now upon us…PLEASE look in on your neighbors: HELP where and when you can!

Why We Do It…

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Liberty, Justice, Freedom – For ALL AMERICANS

Please check back again as we continue to work and build on our site. Thank you for visiting.